2014年6月13日 星期五


1.        樂園牛丸大王 . 對於這種有多家分店的,這是我第一次去香港的時候,香港美食對我的最初記憶。一直耳聞香港什麼丸什麼丸很彈很Q很嚼勁。於是特地跑去。雖然我不是特別特別鍾愛這種有分店的店。牛丸還算Q,好大一碗。很多女生大概是可以吃到撐吧。不過這家的魚豆腐嫩嫩的。
2.        發記甜品.很多到香港的遊客,吃甜品,不是許留山就是滿記。而這次推荐一個發記。這家甜品是以榴蓮著名,如果你喜歡榴蓮,真是一個絕佳的選擇。當然,這家甜品也有其他的,種類也很多,用料很實在。再我看來,比許留山和滿記好吃。
3.        極之好粥麵茶餐廳:旺角通菜街154.第一次去香港的時候,就住旺角,閒逛中碰巧想吃車仔麵。進了這家,發現貌似還挺出名,有很多明星也都去過,他家的炒麵似乎也蠻出名。不過他家的車仔麵我是蠻不錯的,但是價錢不便宜
4.        大記攦粉糕點專門店:旺角砵蘭街384號地下.蔡瀾推薦的羅蔔糕,真的名不虛傳,我很喜歡吃,後來又去補了一個。那些包裝好了的,可以離開香港之前作為手信帶回家哦。
1.        九記牛腩:上環歌賦街21B1 . 這家就不用多說了。已經很火很火的店子。其實靠近中環,就歸為中環啦。地點不太好找,千轉萬拐地,才找到這家店。清湯比咖哩好吃,那個湯頭,真是讚到爆。吃了超級滿足。
2.       勝香園大排檔:中環美輪街2.這家是一定要去感受一下香港最有感覺的大排檔。這種搭著棚子,就這麼許多年沈淀下來的歷史。如果你找到了九記,這家就在它對門。我記得有一個TVB劇,就是在這裡拍的,好像叫甜言蜜語。
3.        沾仔記:中環威靈頓街98.雲吞和各種丸,是香港永恆的主題吧。這家就是鯪魚丸。個頭超大的鯪魚丸,如果你餓了,吃下去,超級超級滿足啊。建議要淨鯪魚丸,如果你不餓的情況下。雲吞裡的蝦,更滿足
4.        蘭芳園:中環結志街2.絲襪奶茶的始祖,很多人說,來香港一定要來這裡。地方很小,一定要選非吃飯時間去,才有座位。不過在我看來,我更鍾意鴛鴦。大概是我太喜歡奶味足的東西吧。豬扒包,太贊
5.        蛇王芬飯店:香港中環閣麟街 30 號地下。蛇羹
6.        鏞記:港島中環威靈頓街 32-40 號(鏞記大廈)。地鐵中環站 D1 出口,步行約 10 分鐘。香港鼎鼎大名的燒鵝鋪,金牌燒鵝讓人讚不絕口,生意好得不得了。
7.        泰昌餅店:香港中環擺花街 35 號地下 C ( 近閣麟街 ) 營業時間 : 7am-8pm 。蛋撻賣 3.5 港元一個。招牌蛋撻 & 莎翁
8.        春回堂:港島中環閣麟街 8 號地下。地鐵中環站 D2 出口,步行約 10 分鐘。至今保持著傳統中藥舖的面貌,賣招牌退火涼茶、龜苓膏等,料好量足,顧客盈門。
9.        檀島咖啡:港島中環士丹利街 33 地下。地鐵中環 D1 出口,步行約 10 分鐘。是老字號茶餐廳,以蛋撻 + 咖啡的下午茶聞名。蛋撻從早 6 點賣到晚 6 點,人氣超高。咖啡及奶茶的配方也是獨家秘方。
10.     潮樓:香港北京道 1 10 12 點前是有折扣。蝦餃  醬汁蒸鳳爪  腸粉  叉燒包 陳皮紅豆沙 叉燒酥
11.     中環陸羽茶室:中環士丹行街 24-26 號,中環地鐵站 D2  出口。可以品嚐其仔餐廳覺得麻煩不 ​​做的點心,像滑雞球大包、蝦仁鮮荷飯、雲腿鯪魚角都是非常難得的小品, 絕對是陸羽茶室的一絕,提示:若想去陸羽茶室飲茶,記得早點來,因為點心大多賣到下午兩點就沒有了
12.    蓮香樓 : 中環威靈頓街  160-164 號二樓, 06:00~23:00.  上環地鐵站 E2 出口 , 穿過新紀元廣場到一個三條街 ( 皇后大道西 , 蘇杭 , 文咸東 ) 的交匯處 , 繼而左轉選走 " " 至右方 (158-168) 旁的石級而上就到了

1.        義順牛奶公司:銅鑼灣駱克道506號地下 .  銅鑼灣波斯富街 85 號,銅鑼灣站 A 出口步行 5 分鐘, SOGO 北面街上有一家義順牛奶公司雙皮奶
2.        蛇王二 .  在銅鑼灣站 B 出口上來,向右走幾米右轉就是波斯富街,然後直走差不多 5 分鐘左右, 菊花蛇王耕
3.       麥奀雲吞面世家:銅鑼灣查甸街44號地下.雲吞
4.       文輝墨魚丸大王:銅鑼灣渣甸街22-24號地下B1
5.       太興燒味餐廳:銅鑼灣謝菲道470-484號。慕名去吃這家的八寶飯,價格真是讓我驚喜的平,48HKD。我真的很愛很愛很愛乳豬的皮。下次一定會再去,光吃乳豬飯。
6.       池記云吞面:銅鑼灣波斯富街84號地下.這家,雖然很多推薦雲吞面,但是我很喜歡很喜歡豬軟骨面。
7.       翠華餐廳 : 地址 :  銅鑼灣謝斐道 493-495 /( 銅鑼灣店 ) 景隆街 20-22 < 招牌奶茶、咖哩飯、海南雞飯、特脆奶油豬 香辣炸醬魚春捲撈麵 招牌鮑汁蝦仁炒米粉 豬仔包 > 推薦 : 奶茶魚蛋鯊魚骨湯米線( HKD36/ 碗);奶油豬仔包( HKD11/ 份)電話 :
8.       澳門茶餐廳 : < 葡式豬扒包 ( 咸牛肉、芝士辣魚)、蛋撻、凍咖啡、咖哩牛肉、澳門炒飯、咖哩牛腩、海鮮鋦飯 >  地址:銅鑼灣謝斐道 477-481  是澳門賭王的四姨太所開
9.       奇華 :  時代對面老字號,最喜歡 12 塊一小袋 , 裡面是 5 包還是 6 包的小白兔樣子的餅乾。牛油味的蛋捲,牛油貝殼曲奇,鳳梨酥,芝麻餡、花生餡、紅豆餡的各式圓薯
10.   恆香餅家 :  此店位於銅鑼灣 SOGO 商場的地下室 銅鑼灣 F 出口
11.   翠園 :  香港銅鑼灣駱克道 463-483 號銅鑼灣廣場 2 3 ,鮮帶子腸粉、豉汁蒸鳳爪、蠔皇叉燒包、鯪魚丸粥、蝦餃皇、人均消費 $100, 11 點之前買單好像有優惠的說
12.   橋底辣蟹:銅鑼灣地鐵站走過去也就 5 分鐘 , 點了招牌的瀨尿蝦 , 橋底辣蟹 ,  九肚魚湯,還有個豆苗 , 東西很美味 , 屬於不可錯過的美食 .  洛克道 405-419 華髮大廈C . 套餐 + 單點 .  中午11:00一直營業到凌晨1:00.  橋底辣蟹(駱克道三店). 灣仔駱克道429號地下6-9號舖(堅拿道西側 銅鑼灣地鐵站銅鑼灣廣場一期出口.  香港島灣仔駱克道401403號地下B  28346818
13.   美心皇宮大會堂 香港島中環大會堂低座 3 .  港鐵中環站 J3 出口 .  11 ​​點開門 00852-25211303   關於美心皇宮的特色小吃早就做過功課,服務員推著小車穿行在各個餐桌之間,顧客可以隨意挑選車上的各色點心小吃。供應的品種太過豐富,幾乎每一件都精緻又好吃,服務生以和藹的大媽為主,很多不會講國語,但是非常非常 nice ,笑得也很可愛。喜歡那種氛圍。美心裡面的茶是免費的,我們點的是普洱茶,味道很香。如果人多,每一樣小吃都可以取一份來嘗試,如果只是兩三個人,那至少不要錯過以下這幾款美味:黑椒牛仔骨,豉汁蒸排骨,豉汁蒸鳳爪,蝦餃,蝦籽燒賣,各式腸粉。
14.   Jenny Bakery Cookie :香港銅鑼灣糖街 1-5 號銅鑼廣場 1 1047 ( 近商務書局 ) (在二樓),注意不是銅鑼灣廣場;香港中環皇后大道中 48 號萬年大廈 1 11 號舖。(下午 3 點就賣光了,要早點去)
15.   喜記:地址:謝斐道 329 H 鋪。銅鑼灣 C 出口,步行 10 分鐘。避風唐炒蟹聞名,營業時間: 12 00-4 30
16.    稻香:地址:香港銅鑼灣告士打道 311 號皇室堡 6 樓。營業時間:早上 7:00 -  凌晨 2:00 早茶在 11 點前埋單還有優惠。14  點以後去的,點心類都差不多半價
17.   太興燒臘:銅鑼灣 C 出口,步行 5 分鐘。燒臘口味出眾,謝斐道 470 號,信諾環球保險中心 1-3 號地舖。
18.   一品齋甜品:地址:希雲街 8 號。銅鑼灣 F 出口,步行 15 分鐘。是從明星大腕到市井小民都喜愛的甜品小店。特別是豆腐花加芝麻糊,又醇又香,大受歡迎。
19.   文輝墨魚丸大王:渣甸街 22-24 號地下 ( SOGO 港島店 ) 魚蓉燒賣  8  淨墨魚丸
20.   榮記:渣甸街 43 號地下。香港銅鑼灣糖街 27 A 地下。通菜  蘿蔔  滷雞翅
21.   美心大酒樓:地址:銅鑼灣軒尼詩道 500 號興利中心三樓。電話: 2895-2200 ;早茶 7 30-11 30 11 元,午茶 2 00-4 00
22.   軒尼詩道再興燒臘飯店:地址:謝斐道 470 號,信諾環球保險中心 1-3 號地舖。銅鑼灣 C 出口,步行 5 分鐘。 記住三寶飯裡的叉燒要點肥叉,我也試過瘦叉,味道真的和肥叉差一截。注:三寶飯含叉燒、油雞和燒鴨,一般香港人多配以一罐忌廉味汽水
23.   發記甜品:地址 :  香港銅鑼灣謝裴道 532 號地下,就在世界貿易中心的正對面,海皇粥店和板前壽司的隔壁。楊枝甘露  榴蓮飄香  芒果班戈  芒果糯米卷  芒果紫米露
24.   新記車仔麵:地址:銅鑼灣登龍街 49 B , 地鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口 , 沿軒尼詩道步行至登龍街 . 車仔麵在香港的首選,店面很小 , 但是生意一直到晚上 9 點以後都很好 , 在銅鑼灣逛完以後可以選擇新記作為夜宵哦。
25.   恭和堂:地址:銅鑼灣波斯富街 87 號。銅鑼灣站 A 出口,步行 8 分鐘。龜苓膏,二十四味涼茶、菊花茶、雪梨茶。憑著近百年老字號以地道的龜苓膏聞名,味道純正,有開胃、助消化、通便功效。如果味道太苦,店家還配備了蜂蜜供搭配食用。還有眾多藥茶如二十四味涼茶、菊花茶、雪梨茶都大名鼎鼎。
26.   金鳳茶餐廳:地址:灣仔春園街 41 號。灣仔站 A3 出口,步行 10 分鐘。在香港茶餐廳的地位相當於鏞記,極力推薦該店的凍奶茶和菠蘿包。
27.   德昌魚蛋粉店:地址 :  銅鑼灣天后 ​​電氣道 75 號。地鐵天后站 A2 出口。是香港出名的魚蛋粉小吃店,曾獲香港美食最大賞小吃組至高榮譽獎。這裡的魚蛋全部純肉製作,不加澱粉,滾圓個大,口感細膩。


1.        利強記北角雞蛋仔:尖沙咀彌敦道178 .  地鐵佐敦站D出口出來就是了。咖哩魚蛋格仔餅. 彌敦道尖沙嘴警署對面有家北角雞蛋仔
2.        德發牛肉丸:尖沙咀海防道390號熟食檔地鐵尖沙咀站A1出口 . 牛丸Q彈,牛腩濃香。
3.       新記餐廳:尖沙咀金巴利道16-20號香檳大廈地下13-14號舖.這家可是至愛啊。在香檳大廈隱蔽的最裡面,居然有一家這麼的店。中午11點半開到半夜一點。值得推薦。
4.       靚靚車仔麵:尖沙咀科學館道14號新文化中心地下22-23號地下.這家店是源於之前忘記在那裡看到,肥臣曾經去過,在某個花絮裡。於是,後來一直心心念念慕名而去。不是為了車仔麵,只是為了去看看。
5.        好彩海鮮酒家:尖東。來這裡吃下午茶,性價比很高。不為別的,就為了那無敵海景。注意,這裡沒有早茶,早上別去了,我就吃了一次閉門羹,但是不知道其他店是不是。
6.        稻香超級漁港:佐敦彌敦道378 號彌敦酒店2 / 旺角彌敦道639 號雅蘭中心二期3 B / 尖沙咀廣東道30 號新港中心3 B 鋪(位於廣東道、海防道口,與海港城有天橋相連)/ 九龍尖沙咀加拿芬道20 號加拿芬廣場3 樓。稻香賣的是港式海鮮,價廉物美。下午茶時間是到下午的1630早茶下午 ​​茶 2點以後有折扣。風爪燒雞燒賣  蘿蔔糕碗仔翅蟹粉燒賣蝦瑕腸粉  蟹黃小蒸包叉燒腸粉  蝦餃鯪魚球
7.        澳門茶餐廳:尖沙咀樂道25-27 號樂輝商業大廈地下A B / 尖沙咀樂道40-46 號華源大廈地庫近海防路。< 葡式豬扒包(咸牛肉、芝士辣魚)、蛋撻、凍咖啡、咖哩牛肉、澳門炒飯、咖哩牛腩、海鮮鋦飯
8.        沙嗲王:尖沙咀海防道35號海利行1樓(A1出口)海港城地下City Super對面 IT/OUTLET  沙嗲牛肉粉絲,釀田螺,白咖哩香茅豬排,脆蝦棒。白咖哩豬扒和沙爹肥牛粉絲是我們吃過最好的。
1.        澳洲牛奶公司:佐敦白加士街47-49號地下 . 滑軟的炒蛋。
2.        義順牛奶公司. 九龍油麻地彌敦道513號地下
3.       堂記腸粉專門店:佐敦文匯街26號文景樓地下C.傳說中有名的半夜腸粉,從晚上七點賣到凌晨兩點。星期天休息。可能是由於這家有點偏,而且開門時間有點奇怪,所以遊客很少知道或者跑去吃。由於我對腸粉的熱愛,大半夜,還是獨自前往。果然名不虛傳,讓大半夜,吃得超級滿足。
4.        松記糖水店:多家分店,但大概只有四五家而已。需要用心找找。
5.        味皇餐廳:(九龍吳松街42號地下)超級美味。這家店在地鐵佐敦站(忘記哪個出口了)附近的一條小路上,比較難找,旁邊還有一些吃海鮮的大排擋。最大的亮點就在這個招牌煙熏鴨胸肉上。皮是焦黃色的,很脆,肉是淡粉色的,鮮嫩多汁,中間夾了一層薄薄的油脂,沾上甜酸醬咬在嘴裡層次豐富,口感厚實,每一口都洋溢著幸福的味道,真的是美味阿,量也非常大,人均HKD50
1.        興記煲仔飯粥粉面菜館:油麻地廟街17-21號地下 . 這家開了12年,一份煲仔飯只需要18HKD在香港真的是很抵。很多節目也慕名去拍,我也是當初看到一個台灣美食節目去的。不過,就我個人而言,蠔餅還不錯,就是有點油油的。不過料很實在。煲仔飯嘛,其實我覺得精髓是在於醬油和辣醬什麼的。一定要多加點。要不然沒味。再加一個香香的糯米底,焦焦脆脆的,還是不錯的。但因人而異。興記菜館, 九龍旺角方向廟街入口. 1、煎蠔餅 2、煲載飯 3、海鮮小炒油麻地廟街19號交通:油麻地站C出口,沿文明里經鴨打街到達廟街即可看見
2.        美都餐室:油麻地廟街63號地下。這家是一家很有意味的老店,據說《花樣年華》在這裡拍,《72家租客》裡也有。這家早上最好別太早去,而且價錢不便宜。但如果時間充足,還是推薦去感受一下。價錢不算便宜,比較出名的,是焗烤的飯類,比如焗排骨飯、焗豬扒飯。一般焗的東西,要等十五到二十分鐘。都是現做的。
3.       源記咋渣:油麻地廟街64號地下. 之前看TVB某劇的時候,就看到有個叫咋渣的甜品,一直很想試試。這家也算是一個口碑不錯的老店。建議從美鬱餐室出來以後,就到這裡來個咋渣。因為它倆是倆對門。很樸實質樸的甜品,各種各種的料在碗裡,慢慢一口一口送進嘴巴。生活不過如此。
4.       澳洲牛奶公司:地址 :  香港佐敦白加士街 47 號地下。炒蛋多士  蛋白燉鮮牛奶
5.        香港仔一品魚蛋王. 九龍油麻地南京街1K

2014年6月8日 星期日

The 10 Best Nike Footwear Designers Right Now

words // Zac Dubasik & Nick DePaula
The question of who's the best Nike footwear designer of all-time doesn't usually bring up a lot of debate. The top designers on that list -- Tinker Hatfield and Eric Avar -- each have portfolios of footwear that have impacted silhouettes and trends, created new categories, established legacies for athletes of all sports, and maintained their popularity for decades.  
Historically, in addition to both Avar and his mentor Tinker Hatfield at the very top, they're followed by the likes of Bruce Kilgore, Sergio Lozano, Sean McDowell, Tracy Teague, Wilson Smith III, Aaron Cooper, Ken Link and many others. As all of those storied creatives take on director and mentor roles within Nike, the future of Swoosh footwear appears to be in good hands.
While the popularity of retros may be as high as ever, there's still exciting new footwear being designed every year.
As roles change, and new talent emerges, the list of who the best designers are *right now* is constantly shifting. So it shows how truly special some of these aformentioned designers above are that they are holding down spots even after all this time. Check out our list of our favorite Nike designers right now, and let us know your picks in the comments. 

10. Tinker Hatfield 
Title: VP of Design & Innovation
Key Models: Air Max 1, Air Trainer 1, Air Tech Challenge series, Air Jordans III - XV, XX, XX3, 2010-2012, XX8, XX9 & many, many more. His list of impactful models could go on forever.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Tinker Hatfield single-handedly helped revolutionize the sneaker world back in the late 1980s, and continued to dominate and set industry standards throughout the 90s. So, no one would blame him for riding out that fame, and enjoying a legacy like none other in sneaker history – but that’s just not Tinker’s style.
Despite designing few shoes these days, he sure makes the ones he does perform on-court. From a pure performance standpoint, the Air Jordan XX8 will go down as an all-time classic. Not bad for his fourth decade in the game. And in reality, he could easily be #1 on this list as his designs of long ago are still the most popular of today, and designers across the industry are still routinely taking inspiration from his iconic work.

9. Dylan Raasch 
Title: Nike Sportswear Design Director
Key Models: Roshe Run / NSW Womens
While most shoes are designed in conjunction with people from the marketing and development functions of a category, the Roshe Run was simply one man's idea in the quest for all you need on a daily basis. A simple, wearable and easy to manufacture sneaker was all Dylan Raasch was after with an under-the-radar design for 2012 priced at $70 -- and he'd go on to literally reshape the entire industry's approach to value and casual appeal.
We've since seen other brands launch new innovations around Raasch's streamlined silhouette and look, and that initial Roshe aesthetic will most likely go on to leave an impact far greater than anyone could've imagined. As a result, he now deservedly oversees an entire Roshe family of products, as the model has since spawned into a full-fledged and mass-friendly business for the company.

8. Ken Link
Title: Nike Football Design Director
Key Models: Zoom Revis / Vapor Talon / Vapor Laser Talon / Vapor Carbon Elite / CJ 81
Were this an all-time ranking, much like Tinker Hatfield above him and the very next designer on this list, Ken Link's handful of signature models for LeBron James -- including the Zoom LeBron II, his first crack and one of our favorite shoes ever made -- would've landed him much higher here. 
As it stands, he's currently leading Nike's takeover of the NFL, and creating some of the most innovative, refined and engineered footwear in the industry. From Pro Combat-incorporating cleats, to the new ridiculously next level 3D-printed Vapor Carbon, Link's shape and function has set the stage for Nike design on the gridiron. The only knock here is that we'd like to wear this stuff on concrete too.

7. Eric Avar 
Title: Innovation Kitchen Creative Director
Key Models: Flight Huarache / Penny 1-4 / Foamposite One / Hyperflight / Huarache 2K4 / Hyperdunk / Kobe 3-9
Longtime sneaker fans are familiar with Eric Avar for designing some of the most iconic hoops shoes of all time, such as the Foamposite One, Glove, Huarache 2K4, Hyperdunk, along with the rest of the Air Penny line. But that’s not what’s keeping him on our list for designers making an impact today. His relevance now is derived from the Kobe line, which he’s designed annually since the 3, where he helped popularize low-tops for basketball performance, before moving in the exact opposite direction with the 9. 

6. Marc Dolce 
Title: Nike Sportswear Basketball & NFL Design Director
Key Models: ½ Cent, Zoom Rookie, Penny 5, Lunar Force 1, Barkley Posite, Lil Penny Posite 
A major part of Nike Sportswear’s existence is capitalizing on the vast catalog of classic footwear the brand has produced over the years. So, it would have been easy to exclude Marc Dolce from this list, based on the fact that he’s often tasked with leading color and themes for past signature series and reinterpreting these retro models.
While many have failed at creating hybrid and inspired-by sneakers, Dolce has actually helped elevate some of these retro models and signature lines by creating kicks that not only pay tribute to the originals, but stand on their own as modern classics for a new generation.

5. Leo Chang 
Title: Nike Basketball Design Director
Key Models: Hyperize, Hyperdunk 2010, Hyperdunk 2012, Hyperfuse, HyperRev, KD series 
After a slow start aesthetically (though the line performed amazingly well for just $88), the Nike KD series has grown to be one of the most anticipated and collectable signature sneakers of today. But that’s only part of Chang's duties. He also serves as Nike Basketball’s Design Director, where he helps set the feel of the company's most impactful shoes at the NBA level. His Hyperfuse, Hyperdunk 2011 and HyperRev designs have been some of the most adopted models on courts of all levels nationwide, and each are amazing performance products.

4. Mark Miner
Title: Nike Running Senior Designer
Key Models: Free Run series / Air Pegasus 29 / Womens Free XT QuickFit
Designing for the world's greatest athletes with unique points of inspiration to draft off of is one thing, with luxuries like nearly unlimited research resources and sky high price points coming into play. But designing an affordable flagship model intended for literally millions of consumers for Nike's widest selling franchise?
That's a tough task that Mark Miner has been nailing. His Free Run designs and work in Nike Running has helped the company grow its business and become a leader in natural motion footwear.

3. Jason Petrie
Title: Nike Basketball Senior Designer
Key Models: LeBron 7-11
From a performance standpoint, there’s a good argument that the LeBron line has adopted a form-over-function design ethos since Jason Petrie took over the reigns. While rarely approaching the earlier models in terms of playability, as most obviously evidenced by LeBron’s preference to stay away from the 11 on court, the line has never been more popular. And that’s not surprising based on the way Petrie has masterfully merged visible technology with casual appeal. As much as we loved the LeBron X on-court, if the line keeps moving in the same direction aesthetically, and dials in the performance a little more, Petrie could easily find himself at the #1 spot.

2. Denis Dekovic
Title: Nike Soccer Design Director
Key Models: Magista / Flyknit Mercurial Superfly IV / HyperVenom / Mercurial / Tiempo V
With the upcoming World Cup and its subsequent onslaught of PR events and marketing materials fast approaching, Denis Dekovic is being thrust into the spotlight for his groundbreaking Magista and Flyknit Mercurial Superfly IV designs. Rightfully so, but his elite work is nothing new to those on the inside.
After helping to lead Nike Women's Training before taking his current role as Nike Soccer's Design Director, expect to hear Dekovic's name behind some of the industry's most forward thinking product for years to come.

1. Nate VanHook
Title: Nike Training Design Director
Key Models: Air Yeezy 2 / Lunar Terra Arktos / Free Orbit II SP 
If this list were titled “The Best Footwear Designers of All Time,” or even “The Best Footwear Designers of the Past 10 Years,” there’s a good chance Nike’s Nate VanHook might not even show up on the list. But when it comes to “Right Now,” his recent designs while at Nike Sportswear are an integral piece of today’s sneaker culture. Even if we excluded the hype-driven Air Yeezy 2 from his portfolio of work, shoes like the Terra Arktos and Free Orbit II stand alone as great industrial design as much as great footwear.
The Yeezy is included though, which has dominated the discussion in the sneaker world like few shoes before it, for the past couple years. The hype shouldn’t take away from the fact that the design itself is one of the best in modern footwear. Add to all of that the current internal buzz that Van Hook's future product for next year being shaped in his new role at Nike Training has been generating, and his wearable flow and style warrants his top billing.